Contract Drafting by Bhumesh Verma Contract Drafting by Bhumesh Verma

Contract Drafting by Bhumesh Verma

Dear Readers,

"Success is a journey, not a destination" - Zig Zagler.

A lot of professionals and students keep asking me, “How can I be an expert in contract drafting?” or “What is a perfect draft contract?”.

I have no answer. Our efforts and learning cannot stop at any age or stage. Every profession demands constant improvisation. Same goes with contract drafting; it is a craft and requires experiential learning. One needs to keep learning, practicing, analysing and improvising.

Whatever little I know about contract drafting, I have been very happy to share with fellow professionals, academics, and students.

The focus of my legal practice, writings, teachings, and trainings in this domain has been to cultivate a culture of simple, understandable, commercially effective, and legally and enforceable contracts.

I have been sharing daily tips on contract drafting, encompassing several aspects, on social media for more than two years. These tips have received millions of views and innumerable validations, suggestions, and feedback from the fraternity.

In this book, we have collated some of the most interesting and important of these tips.

These tips should serve as preliminary guidelines for you when drafting contracts in a way that optimises everyone’s time and resources and ensures the safeguarding of your client’s interests. These are my suggestions, and in no way do they constitute any legal opinion or advice.

My book, “Practical Guide to Drafting Commercial Contracts,” already adorns the libraries and desks of law and management schools, professional firms, professionals, and students. This book aspires to be a companion to that book and should serve as a daily routine and ready reckoner on the art of contract drafting.

Thanks to the OakBridge team for bringing this book from the conceptual stage to its present form.

Happy reading and drafting.

Bhumesh Verma

Bhumesh Verma

Author: Bhumesh Verma

Bhumesh Verma is the Managing Partner of Corp Comm Legal, an independent Indian law firm headquartered in New Delhi. With close to 3 decades of experience, he is one of the leading international corporate practitioners from India and among the most followed Indian lawyers on LinkedIn. In addition to his legal practice, he is an avid reader, a sought-after speaker, a guest faculty, a corporate trainer, and a prolific writer. He has contributed to the in-house journals of many international law firms on Indian laws and global books and published more than 500 articles so far.

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